Robban tipsade mig om klippet från Archers of Loaf Reunionkonsert. Det fick mig att minnas en varm oktobernatt i NY 1998 då AOL spelade tillsammans med då okända At the Drive-In på numera nedlagda klubben Tramps.
Jag hittade detta klippet ur NY Times inför giget:
“ARCHERS OF LOAF, Tramps, 51 West 21st Street, Chelsea, (212) 727-7788. Singing about underdogs and underachievers, the Archers of Loaf, from Chapel Hill, N.C., are die-hards of the collegiate-rock circuit, making music for smart and world-weary misfits. The band tops basic rock propulsion with bristling dissonance, as guitar lines tangle like old sofa springs and Eric Bachmann’s hoarse voice turns frustration into fervor. There are tunes amid the barbs, and plenty of ideas. Tonight at 9, with At the Drive-In, Vehicle Birth and Knapsack opening; admission is $12 (Jon Pareles).”